















Meet A Bulldog: Christian ***

Posted On: Tuesday, December 15, 2015
By: Neil Mehta

Nash Central

Nash Central senior Christian *** feels that his time as a student at Nash Central High School has significantly impacted his life, but others would go as far to say that the influence Christian himself has had on Nash Central High School itself is far greater than anything else.

Whether it was on a football field, soccer pitch, or track course, Christian has definitely played a key role for several Bulldog athletic teams over the past few years. Although Christian experienced considerable success with Nash Central’s promising football and soccer programs, Christian considers his accomplishments in track & field to be the most substantial.

When asked to share what his biggest accomplishment of his Nash Central athletic career was, Christian responded with a poignant answer, saying, “My biggest accomplishment of my athletic career at Nash Central would be being a conference contender in the throwing events for Track & Field. It truly is a blessing to be in this position, all my hard work and help from God himself got me here.” From this response, it is certainly evident that Christian possess a strong work ethic, and it clearly shows that he has dedicated himself to improving in the sport. Christian’s altruistic character was also illustrated as he showed how gracious and thankful he was of blessings that he has received from God.

For Christian, sports are simply just not a recreational activity. Playing sports has given him the opportunity to see what’s really important in life, and he has also learned of the genuine individual that he actually is. When asked to tell of a specific memory that stood out to him from his Nash Central athletic career , Christian said, “One specific memory that stands out the most in my opinion would be the transition from playing football to playing soccer my senior year. This change showed me the type of person that I want to become, a person that is open to the idea of change and being able to able to adapt to new surroundings.” It is unquestionably clear that playing sports has allowed Christian to learn something new about himself, and this new insight should certainly help him reach unparalleled levels of success in the near future.

Besides athletics, Christian is also heavily involved in other facets of the Nash Central community. He is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club and is also a Key Club member. As a member of two community-oriented organization, it is reasonable to say that Chrisitan definitely takes pride in helping and caring for others, and this is undoubtedly a quality that every good citizen should hold.

In addition, Christian is one of the brightest students in his academic class, and this can be supported by that fact that he has gone above and beyond and has substantially challenged himself by enrolling in and successfully completing several Advanced Placement courses during his academic career.

Chrisitan is also a member of Nash Central’s Quiz Bowl club, and he certainly provides great senior leadership to Nash Central’s premier academic organization. Additionally, Christian’s scholarly pursuits are also apparent as he plans to attend either UNC-Chapel Hill or NC State Univeristy next fall while carving a pathway to success as a Marketing Manager.

Furthermore, Christian’s uplifting spirits regarding his future alma matter are also perceptible, and he definitely considers that his time at Nash Central to have an instrumental role in his life. When asked to share what he feels is the best thing about Nash Central, Christian responded by saying “The best thing about Nash Central I would say is the People. The teachers, the administrators, and most of all, the students. Without all of these people, I wouldn’t be the person that I have become.” This clearly shows how the interactions and bonds that Christian has been able to form throughout his high school career have impacted him in a positive manner.

Christian also spoke about the manner in which Nash Central has helped mold his learning, saying ” I learn new things every single day, whether it is political, logical or even a new joke”. On top of this, Christian illustrated that he isn’t the type of individual who gives up easily, and you could even say that he would consider his failures to be lessons on long but rewarding road to success as Christian says, “I am also a person who thrives off of other people’s negativity, this motivates me to try even harder at whatever I am doing whether it be academics, athletics and also extracurriculars.”

Even though, Christian has explicitly shown that he possesses great skill and ability, being the exceptionally humble individual he is, he attributes his success to the support and help of those who have guided and directed him throughout his life. When asked to tell of the individual who motivated him the most, Christian said, “There have been many people who have motivated me towards success, but I would like to single out my brother, Jeffrey Pino. He is truly my role model, throughout my high school career I have always done my best because of him. Other than my parents he has taught me the ideals of life that need to be cherished. My brother was a star athlete and he was also in the Top 10% of his class so everything I do is to be just like him or better if I try hard enough. I owe all my success to him.” It is clear-cut that Chrisitan holds a high level of adulation and respect his older brother, and it also evinces how blessed Christian had been to have been raised with such exemplary role-models in his life.

Lastly, while Nash Central High School has unquestionably left an immense influence on Christian’s life, Nash Central would unequivocally have not been the same without Christian’s presence for these last few years, and Christian’s love for Nash Central can be summed up perfectly through his final quote as Christian says, “In my soon to be 4 years at Nash Central, I truly have enjoyed every minute of it due to my wonderful peers and teachers.”

Essentially, much can be said about Christian, but most importantly it’s paramount to know that this particular Bulldog has been an invaluable and contributing member to the Nash Central community for the last four years, and he most certainly has a bright and prosperous future ahead of him.

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